
couple’s money love

Be proactive in your financial partnership to ensure that you and your honey are on the same page. Plan your life together, including your individual needs and wants, and learn how to align your spending, saving and earning with your family values. 

Our work together includes:      

  • Guidance for customized set-up of personal finance software 

  • Olivia Mellan’s book Money Harmony

  • Email access to Carrie between appointments

  • Introductions to talented financial and lifestyle professionals in Carrie’s personal network

  • A myriad of tools including Money Script Inventory, MONIE$ (map of non-monthly income and expenses), Needs vs. Wants, and an Action Plan. You will be offered Money Affirmations, Values Clarification, and a Holistic Approach to Debt, Savings, and Net Worth. Other resources include Gratitude and Success Journals, 3 Stages of Wealth, 4 Solutions to a Shortfall and 5 Reasons We Overspend, Stress Inoculation, Financial Partnership Questions, Advanced Life + Money Questions, Legacy Intervention and Personal Finance Routines.

We will cover:

  • Opening the lines of communication

  • Creating the vision of your relationship and shared lifestyle

  • Setting goals for what you want to accomplish and address in your financial life

  • Having consistent money dates

  • Working together to master tools and understand a holistic approach to personal finance

  • Letting go of “Money Fog” – avoidance and fear of money

  • Practicing financial awareness on a consistent basis

  • Creating and maintaining a flexible monthly spending plan (a.k.a. budget)

  • Developing a debt repayment plan, if needed

  • Saving for Non-Monthly Expenses, a Safety Net, and Retirement

  • Family history

  • Laying the foundation for your long-term financial plan

  • Developing a sense of control, freedom and peace of mind about money

  • Analyzing current employment, income strategies, tax planning, and business development

  • Self-care