Personal FINance Re-Org
Get organized and create a healthy and sustainable relationship with money. Learn how to align your spending, saving and earning with your values.
Our work together includes:
Guidance for customized set-up of personal finance software
A welcome gift - Carrie’s current favorite personal finance book
Email access to Carrie between appointments
Introductions to talented financial and lifestyle professionals in Carrie’s personal network
A myriad of tools including Money Script Inventory, MONIE$ (map of non-monthly income and expenses), Needs vs. Wants, and an Action Plan. You will be offered Money Affirmations, Values Clarification, and a Holistic Approach to Debt, Savings, and Net Worth. Other resources include Gratitude and Success Journals, 3 Stages of Wealth, 4 Solutions to a Shortfall and 5 Reasons We Overspend, Stress Inoculation, Financial Partnership Questions, Advanced Life + Money Questions, Legacy Intervention and Personal Finance Routines.
We will cover:
Setting goals for what you want to accomplish and address in your financial life
Letting go of “Money Fog” – avoidance and fear of money
Practicing financial awareness on a consistent basis
Creating and maintaining a flexible monthly spending plan (a.k.a. budget)
Developing a debt repayment plan, if needed
Saving for Non-Monthly Expenses, a Safety Net, and Retirement
Family history
Laying the foundation for your long-term financial plan
Developing a sense of control, freedom and peace of mind about money
Designing your personal vision for a financially balanced, values-based lifestyle
Analyzing current employment, income strategies, tax planning, and business development
Mastering financial tools and distinctions